With pumping speeds ranging from 80 to 800 liters per second, the HiCube Neo vacuum pumping station is ideal for demanding high vacuum and ultra-high vacuum applications.
The instrument can detect leaks as small as 0.05 standard cubic centimeter per minute—about 80 times smaller than what is typically possible with an air-based test.
According to an old saying, “what goes up must come down.” Unfortunately, that’s not true for either a helium-filled balloon or helium used in leak testing applications.
Water heaters are one of the least glamorous types of home appliances. The vertical metal tanks typically sit out of sight in dark corners of basements or behind closet doors. Most homeowners never think about the devices—until there’s no hot water.
More than 150 exhibitors will display the latest manufacturing products and services at the inaugural ASSEMBLY Show South April 4-6 at the Music City Center in Nashville, TN. Fasteners, power tools, adhesives, dispensing equipment, conveyors, robots, software and, of course, automated assembly systems are among the myriad new products on display.